When it comes to keeping track of assignments, deadlines, and other important school-related information, a school diary is a valuable tool. However, with so many options available in the market, it becomes difficult to know which one will fit best in your needs. In this post, we'll explore some key factors to consider while choosing a school diary to ensure that you find one that meets your requirements.
Size and layout: One of the most important things to consider when choosing a school diary is the size and layout. You'll want a diary that is large enough to accommodate all of your notes and assignments, but not so big that it becomes inconvenient to carry around. The standard sizes of School Diaries are: 1. A5: 148x210 mm 2. B5: 182x257 mm
Durability: Another important factor to consider is durability. You'll want a diary that is well-constructed and can resist the wear and tear of daily use. Durability will depend primarily upon two factors, which will be addressed individually in the subsequent points.
Type of Binding: School diaries usually come in three types of binding— Perfect bound with section sewing, center pin and hardbound. While hardbound diaries have the most strength, they also cost the highest out of all three. Usually schools opt for perfect bound diaries with section sewing, as these diaries easily last for one full year. Center pin diaries are the most cost effective, but they usually have less pages (around 80 pages or less in general) and the pages might seperate from the diary as time passes. While finalizing a diary for your school, you need to be mindful about the binding you will opt for.
Paper GSM: The GSM (Grams per square meter) is a measure of thickness of the paper. You need to make sure that the paper you choose is not too thin that it tears easily, and not too thick either as it will increase the cost. People generally opt for 70,80 and 90 GSM paper for school diaries.
Look for diaries with sturdy covers and so that they will last throughout the school year.
Customization: Some diaries offer the option to customize the layout, such as adding the prayers as per your School's Assembly, adding planners and datesheets, the code of coduct of the school. Consider whether these customization options would be useful for you, and if the diary you are looking at offers them.
Additional features: Many diaries come with additional features, such as a built-in ruler or a pen holder. While these features may not be essential, they can certainly make your life easier. Think, whether any of these features would be beneficial to you or the students.
Price: Finally, you'll want to consider the price of the diary. While you don't want to compromise on quality, you also don't want to spend more than you need to. Look for a diary that offers good value for money that fits within your budget.
By considering these key factors, you can be sure to choose a school diary that meets your specific needs and helps you stay organized throughout the school year.
If you're still unsure about which school diary is the best for you, or if you have any specific requirements that you're looking for in a diary, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our team is happy to help you find the perfect school diary for your needs and answer any questions you may have. Contact us today and let us help you get ready for the new school year!
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K.R. Printers (Bookman) is an emerging printing press based in Delhi which supplies printed stationery to schools in North India.